Children’s Dentistry in Millington, TN

Why should my child see a dentist?

Dentists that work on children receive additional training beyond their dental degrees. With this extra education, doctors learn how to make children of all ages feel more comfortable before, after and during treatment, and it allows them to specialize in treating dental issues that are specific to children. Dentists are also highly skilled with special needs patients, making for more comfortable visits for both children and parents.

girl holding toothbrush

Did you know…

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Most children lose their first tooth around the age of 6.

Ready to schedule your child’s appointment?

Call (901) 872-7179 Today!

What to expect at your child’s first exam

Meeting You & Your Child

Your child’s dentist will begin the first appointment by taking some time to get to you and your kid. They’ll ask a few basic questions about your child’s oral health and any past treatments they may have had at other dental practices. 

Cleaning & Exam

Your child’s cleaning may be done by a dentist, or by a dental hygienist when your child is comfortable. First, plaque and tartar are removed. The teeth are then buffed and polished with a high-speed toothbrush. Finally, they are flossed to ensure they’re completely clean. Your child’s dentist will examine their mouth thoroughly, looking out for signs of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

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Treatment Recommendation & Follow Up 

After the cleaning and exam, your child’s dentist will discuss their findings with you. If their teeth are healthy, you’ll schedule another visit in six months. If there is an issue, your child’s doctor will provide treatment options and recommendations, and help you schedule a follow-up appointment to address the issue.

Oral Health Routine for Children

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Help With Brushing

Kids have a difficult time brushing on their own until around the age of 6, or whenever they are coordinated enough to tie their own shoes. Before then, you’ll need to help them with brushing. 

For kids over the age of 3, use a pea-sized dab of toothpaste and brush for a total of two minutes at least twice a day, spending 30 seconds on each quadrant of their mouth. As your child grows and begins brushing on their own, we recommend supervising them to ensure they are using the right amount of toothpaste and brushing properly.

Look Out For Signs Of Decay

If your child complains of a tender or sore tooth that seems sensitive to chewing, hot or cold foods and drinks, or sugary foods, they may have a cavity. You may even be able to see visual signs of tooth decay. Look for brown or black spots or visible holes or pits in the tooth. If you notice these issues, contact your child’s dentist right away for an appointment.

Focus On Good Nutrition

Food that’s good for your child’s body is usually good for their teeth, too. Fibrous vegetables like broccoli, whole grains, milk, yogurt, lean meats, and fresh fruits are all great for growing teeth. 

You should avoid overly-processed and sugary or starchy foods like chips, cookies, gummy candies, fruit juice, and soda. The bacteria that cause decay love to feed on simple starches and sugar, so these can contribute to the risk of cavities.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps “remineralize” and strengthen teeth that have been affected by minor decay. Your child’s dentist will likely recommend fluoride treatments during their regular dental checkups, but your child can also benefit from using an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste twice a day. Making regular brushing with fluoridated toothpaste a habit can keep your child’s smile bright for years to come.

Regular Dental Appointments

At-home dental care is important for your child’s oral health, but so is a regular visit with your child’s dentist. Seeing a dentist every 6 months helps you catch potential issues like cavities early, and avoid further dental health problems. In the long run, this can save you a lot of time and money, so make sure that you and your child visit the dentist consistently to get the oral care they need.

Did you know…

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Tooth decay is the most common childhood illness.

Have questions about children’s dentistry? Find answers here.

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What are common dental issues that children face?

The most common issue, by far, is tooth decay (cavities). 42% of kids between the ages of 2-11 will develop at least one cavity in a baby tooth. Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is less common, but can still affect kids if they are not practicing proper oral hygiene habits. Oral developmental problems with baby teeth and adult teeth can also be a concern, so it’s important to see a dentist regularly to make sure your child’s mouth is developing properly.

How can I protect my child from cavities?

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The best way to protect your child from cavities is proper at-home oral care. Make sure they brush their teeth at least twice a day for two minutes, and floss once per day. You will likely need to floss for your child until they can do it properly on their own. In addition, make sure they maintain a diet low in sugary foods and beverages, and see their dentist for an appointment every six months.

Does my child need an ortho screening?

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Your child should get an ortho screening by the age of 7. Even if there are no obvious issues with their oral development, getting an orthodontic screening from a dentist or orthodontist can ensure that their mouths are developing properly. And, in the case that your dentist notices an issue, they can use interceptive orthodontics (phase 1 orthodontics) to resolve the issue, and potentially reduce the need for orthodontic treatment later in your child’s life.

Did you know…

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All 20 primary teeth usually appear by age three.

Is your child ready for their dental appointment?

Call (901) 872-7179 To Schedule An Appointment